Twitter Rant
I was ranting on twitter the other day. I woke up at the crack of dawn and I had a few things to say
I just woke up after having one of the craziest dreams. It was like the Geraldo episode when everything went wrong. Raw Emotion
The country's in a bad place right now where we couldn't be more divided & a lot of it stems from hatred. Hatred of ourselves and others.
We are almost 50 years from the Civil Rights movements and very little has changed. Intolerance is rampant. Our churches ARE segregated.
There isn't an institutional national culture of segregation, but a deep underlying fear of assimilation... Even in neighborhoods & schools
We spend so much time moving out of the inner city & complaining about the public school systems. What happened to fixing it.
No child left should be no city, county, and state left behind. We run to the burbs and watch our cities crumble.
People claim that they want lower taxes and turn around and create these small cities where they realize that they need a strong tax base
While leaving our major cities in ruins. Drive around. It won't be long before it'll become too expensive to run. We can't keep this up!
If the wolves and vampires in the Twilight movies could work together from time to time then we should be able to do the same.
I wonder how many people watched the Twilight movies and only liked it because it was a "love story"? Your schoolmates and coworkers.
Life is funny. I went to a very upscale restaurant last night. My date and I were the only black couple in the place.
There was one interracial couple and a smattering of minorities that were in medical school. On some levels it represented most cities
It represented America as we believe it to be, and not the way it really is. There were some gay couples too, but no Hispanics in there.
Economic exclusion creates artificial barriers. If you have access to money in America you can move around & get a glimpse of the dream.
Oh yeah, and let me tell you the funniest part. As we sat in this pocket of wealth in the deep South my friend made me listen to the music.
I was totally oblivious to the fact that they played R&B and rap music for over an hour. We heard songs in there from all of our favorites.
We heard songs from Drake, Musiq, Michael Jackson, and a little Justin Timberlake over this backdrop of casual conversation.
No country & no pop except for Justin. I made a joke with my friend that they turned it on for us... "The Black Couple".
If I closed my eyes for a second and pictured a black nightclub. Must I remind you that the demo was 50+ and Caucasian. How ironic?
The sad part about it all is that in a few hours we will return to our segregated churches and worship a White Jesus from the Middle East.
We'll drive past the ghetto and shake our heads at the poor people that can't get out. We'll pity them for making bad choices & being lazy.
We'll do whatever it takes to help us sleep at night. We will continue to profess that we live in the land of opportunity and inclusion.
Do you even know your neighbors? Do you hang out with people that don't look like you after you punch out at work. Probably not...
It's okay...I don't either...and that's the real problem. We all need to do better! Take small steps to a better tomorrow.
I just woke up after having one of the craziest dreams. It was like the Geraldo episode when everything went wrong. Raw Emotion
The country's in a bad place right now where we couldn't be more divided & a lot of it stems from hatred. Hatred of ourselves and others.
We are almost 50 years from the Civil Rights movements and very little has changed. Intolerance is rampant. Our churches ARE segregated.
There isn't an institutional national culture of segregation, but a deep underlying fear of assimilation... Even in neighborhoods & schools
We spend so much time moving out of the inner city & complaining about the public school systems. What happened to fixing it.
No child left should be no city, county, and state left behind. We run to the burbs and watch our cities crumble.
People claim that they want lower taxes and turn around and create these small cities where they realize that they need a strong tax base
While leaving our major cities in ruins. Drive around. It won't be long before it'll become too expensive to run. We can't keep this up!
If the wolves and vampires in the Twilight movies could work together from time to time then we should be able to do the same.
I wonder how many people watched the Twilight movies and only liked it because it was a "love story"? Your schoolmates and coworkers.
Life is funny. I went to a very upscale restaurant last night. My date and I were the only black couple in the place.
There was one interracial couple and a smattering of minorities that were in medical school. On some levels it represented most cities
It represented America as we believe it to be, and not the way it really is. There were some gay couples too, but no Hispanics in there.
Economic exclusion creates artificial barriers. If you have access to money in America you can move around & get a glimpse of the dream.
Oh yeah, and let me tell you the funniest part. As we sat in this pocket of wealth in the deep South my friend made me listen to the music.
I was totally oblivious to the fact that they played R&B and rap music for over an hour. We heard songs in there from all of our favorites.
We heard songs from Drake, Musiq, Michael Jackson, and a little Justin Timberlake over this backdrop of casual conversation.
No country & no pop except for Justin. I made a joke with my friend that they turned it on for us... "The Black Couple".
If I closed my eyes for a second and pictured a black nightclub. Must I remind you that the demo was 50+ and Caucasian. How ironic?
The sad part about it all is that in a few hours we will return to our segregated churches and worship a White Jesus from the Middle East.
We'll drive past the ghetto and shake our heads at the poor people that can't get out. We'll pity them for making bad choices & being lazy.
We'll do whatever it takes to help us sleep at night. We will continue to profess that we live in the land of opportunity and inclusion.
Do you even know your neighbors? Do you hang out with people that don't look like you after you punch out at work. Probably not...
It's okay...I don't either...and that's the real problem. We all need to do better! Take small steps to a better tomorrow.
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