Being Responsible With Your Energy

If you do take on another’s energy, it is important to remember that once you take it on, it becomes your energy – not theirs. If this is the case, notice in what of the 12 ways above you have allowed your energy to be infiltrated. Take responsibility for it. No one can force you to take their energy. As long as you blame another, you have no power to release it – thereby giving even more of your energy away.
Over time, you can train your energy upward to a threshold where others cannot bring you down. It might take some conscious effort to get there but once you do, life flows with ease and grace and you become a beacon of love and light for others.
Here’s how you can be even more responsible with your energy:
1. Own Your Energy
It is important to know how you feel prior to all interactions, so if there is any change in how you are feeling, you can identify it, and quickly release it by saying, “This is not mine – I release it.”
2. See the Innocence in Everyone
When you look deep, we are all really innocent. Seeing everyone as innocent and doing the best they can will allow you to stay positive, and not take on the negative energies of others.
3. Get the Happy-People High
When you do come in contact with happy or high energy people, join the party. Accept the gift of positive energy – just be careful not to depend on others to feel good.
4. Practice Letting Go
Living in a state of letting go allows you to keep your energy clean and clear. When you let go, negative energy cannot stick to you.
5. Don’t Play Catch
Just because someone throws you a dirty rag, doesn’t mean you have to catch it – let it go, and it cannot affect you.
6. Look for the Beauty
We tend to look for what is wrong in others – but, instead look for the beauty, and you will align with higher and higher aspects of others. People will feel your love and respond in turn, raising your vibration and theirs.
7. Be Kind to Yourself
The world is always reflecting the feelings and beliefs that we have towards ourselves. If you want others to address you more positively, you must also commit to doing this for yourself.
8. Set Boundaries
It is okay to let people know how to treat you and even how to speak with you. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries, such as: no gossiping, no judgement, no complaining. You might say something like, “You probably didn’t know this, but I am making how I feel the most important part of everyday, so I am no longer taking part in gossip or anything that feels judgmental toward me or anyone else.” You might add, “Would you like to join me?”
9. Share Positive Energy
If you are feeling good, show it. Smile, be generous and give compliments. Live out loud. Remember, the stronger vibration dominates all personal encounters. When you out-warded share positive energy, you won’t be affected by lower vibes and those around you will actually begin to feel better. This is how you make a difference every day!
10. Project Energy
Instead of surrounding yourself with a protective energy shield, imagine Divine Energy flowing into you and overflowing from you – creating an aura of light and love all around you. Allow this powerful energy to resonate from you and affect everyone you meet.
11. Trust Your Intuition
Your intuition is a superior inner guidance system and will always show you the way. When you don’t listen to your self and you put the desires of others first, you compromise your energy and you allow the energy of others to affect you. Every time you trust your inner guidance and take action accordingly, you strengthen your ability to protect your personal energy, and therefore you naturally keep-out negative energy.
Final Thoughts
When you ultimately reach a point where you don’t take on the energy of others, you are able to connect and respond from a higher level, where it is possible to feel what someone is feeling without acquiring their pains and woes. This is the Divine Experience of Compassion. From this pristine space, you can give love without compromising or sacrificing yourself in any way. Instead of feeling drained, you feel powerfully energized and have an abundance of positive and powerful energy to offer and share.
It is through this state of Higher Love, that you are truly of service to the world.
By: Nanice Ellis
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