
Showing posts from July, 2011

anthony luke's not-just-another-photoblog Blog: Photographer Profile ~ Gordon Parks.

What celebrity would play you in the movie version of your life?

If you woke up you think you'd be in Heaven or Hell?

#TeamFuckMyAppearance on Twitpic

The ~Only~ Way I Stay SANE: I WANT

If you woke up you think you'd be in Heaven or Hell?

What do you think makes people cheat on wonderful people?

Hmmmm....this being a heaux thing is a toss up I can't call it. But if you are one, I've come for you. Love, Empress Save-a-Heaux!

you know I'd do anything for you babe, but friendship is a two-way street...your turn. Im always around....just meet me wherever Im living life

Flirt?...who Me? Nah...ijs See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever...Now you in the corner tryna put it together..See I just want you to know that you deserve the best You’re beautiful...and Far from the usual...that's all ;)

I'm not a ford type of chik I prefer a long black limousine.... You're just good at avoiding these questions that you said to ask...Anything